Wednesday, February 3, 2010


E MATERIALS: What do you mean?

Your academic pursuits is paramount and important to us.So, let us do it together.You acn not succeed without materials for your learning, studying and publication.You need ematerials these days to generate your seminar papers, theses, projects, term papers, assignments and to satisfy all other forms of academic assesment exercise.In many academic envoronment , getting study materials for a simple academic assignment is like pushing the proverbial camel through the eye of a needle.Students and Teachers (including unversity teachers) do not where and how to source for the necessary and relevant materials for their task.Their complaint is that there is dearth of these materials and this is extremely erroneous, because experts in various fields are daily carrying out researches and they are writing reports of their research activities,so, the issue of lack of adequate materials for academic pursuits and the enrichment of knowledge flies in the face of reality.

For instance, the Biologists are still out there in the bush, sea, ocean, carrying out researches and added valuable bits of information to The Biology data base.So, how come you are not getting these materials/maybe you don't just know where to search for it.Same efforts are being made by physicists, physicians, geologists, engineers, architects, business gurus, mathematicians, lawyers and other professionals.So, the information data base is growing every secong globally.

Getting the materials out there:

These experts do not know how to get their findings across to those who really need them for academic pursuit.The basic reason is that, these findings are published in newsletters and journals that circulate within an exclusive circle of few thousands of readers.So, the millions of others who seriously need these findings do not have access, since they are not members of the closely nitted and almost cryptic clubs.I believe that people are not being shut out intentionally, because these experts need and crave recognition and, the awards that come with breakthroughs and discovery of new frontiers of knowledge.The problem is, they just do not know how to get their message across to the largets global audience, whose readership they desire.On this blog, this what we have set out to do.To bring experts and students together.

Bringing them together:

The materials are largely availble in e form.Of course , this is the computer age , so the e form has taken over all facets of our life.This blog is designed to source for these materials are get them across to you.How?
  • You know the subject and you need the materials, so you ask the questions,
  • We source for the materials and let you have them for free,
  • If you need more than we can give out, we tell you how to get it and for free,
  • Wait.There are terms and conditions that you must agree to.This is necessary to avoid abuse and violation of intellectual property.Credit must go to original authors.
This is how it is going to be.You need ematerials, we check out data base for the ematerials, the source(s) of the ematerials and we let you have the ematerial.

Time out.